Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Crab Fear Episode 3

Crab sat down beside marshy water without hesitation. He had spent all of his time here over the last several months that even the normally biting bugs had grown tired of his flavor. Crab noted that Punch was untouched by the pesky 'river vampires', a nickname he had thought up early in his training. "Do you remember when I told you about Roms?" Punch asked. Crab nodded and Punch continued, "Roms are those that time travel, through spirit transfer. People go to a scrying pool or device, and under special conditions they can travel through time". Crab stared at Punch blankly.

"Usually, people just see visions, but rarely they can go back in time", Punch said. Crab interrupted Punch "But, I am from the past, and I have come to the future". Punch waved to quiet Crab and continued, "Yes, and that is what makes a Rom. You can travel both ways. You are able to use spirit transfer, which means you go into a death-like state and take on an incorporeal form. That mask you wear is a talisman that anchors your 'spirit' into this point of time".

Crab shook his head to indicate he was not following what Punch was saying. "But the past is gone, and I am dead. How can I go back?", Crab asked nervously. Punch laughed a little before she answered, "Yes, most mortals do see time as a straight line. Let me be the one to tell you Crab: Time is a circle. Wait, I mean it is a ball. And I know that probably does not make it any clearer for you..." Punch paused, " but trust me, it means you CAN go back".

"So, why am I here?", Crab asked. Punch plucked a reed from nearby and began to chew on it. Some time passed by, and Crab tried to look at her for the answer, but she avoided eye contact. Impatient, Crab repeated the question with an annoyed tone, "Why am I here?"

"I do not know", Punch finally answered, "Jellyfish is gone. I went to see him, but he was missing". Crab let out a depressed sigh. Punch tossed her mangled reed to the side and said, "But don't worry, I am going to help you figure it out".

Watch the episode below if you stumbled cross this post by accident. Feel free to watch the preceding episodes if you don't want to be confused.

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