Friday, May 25, 2018

Crab Fear Episode 5, Bum's Death

The bum had an eerie feeling creeping up his back as he recalled the events that happened over the last few days. A strange fellow wearing an even stranger mask had asked to borrow an axe, and this was right after he saw that same man having a conversation with a cat. There is also word going around that some unknown killer is going around claiming to be an assassin out for vengeance. The bum is sure that none of that has anything to do with him, but he still can't shake the ominous feeling twisting around in his gut.
"Perhaps a walk into town will do me some good", the bum thinks to himself.

Divinity's Reach, a bustling city in the west of Kryta, brings a little peace to the bum as he strolls up the promenade to take in the vistas that the city has to offer. The peace was short lived. The ominous feeling grabs his shoulders, and chills him to the bone. There can be no doubt that something horrible is on its way to him.

Enjaypi has found the bum that helped Crab. She feels confident that this one will be the easiest of all her victims in this time.

"Hey, you!", Enjaypi calls out to the bum. He turns to face her, and in a confused tone asks "Me?".

"I came to end you life. Now, you can try to scream, but before any sound escapes your throat, my blade will run across it right before I kicked you over the edge of this bridge", Enjaypi says menacingly.

That cold,ominous feeling has turned into a pounding heart and a hot flushed panic for the bum. The bum pleads for his life "Please, no!".

Enjaypi sighs but decides to give a little explanation anyways "You helped the wrong person. It wasn't much, but you should have told Crab to piss off. He found that axe that your directed him to", Enjaypi pauses and then continues, "and then he got his hands on weapons. That is really bad".

The bum can feel his pants soiling. The smell is unbearable. "That is some really rank fear, man", Enjaypi points out the shit oozing out of the bum's trousers.

"I'll make this simple. You just jump, and that way you are kinda in charge of your own death."

"Otherwise, I'll kill everyone in the plaza, then I'll kill everyone you know including your friends and family, I'll even kill your cat" Enjaypi threatens the bum.

Without thinking the bum responds to the last bit, "I don't know that cat!"

Enjaypi waves him to be silent, "Enough talking bub. See this blade? It really wants to taste your throat."

"Just get up there and jump."

The bum staggers onto the rail, and looks down. As he jumps off his thoughts go to the man the assassin referred to as Crab......

Hello, if you found this by accident, and want to know what this is all about, check out the youtube video below. I reccomend watching previous episodes if you do not want to be confuse.

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